Mike's Gold Fish Pond

September 26, 1999

Hurricane Floyd ia history and we were lucky. It filled in some minor dirt but nothing major.  We finished digging out the deepest part which is about 32" and than we added the felt liner and lastly the 45mil liner. Then we finally added the water.  I'll let it sit now till next week than finish some minor things and rearrange things a bit. Than I quess I'll added a few small gold fish for the winter to see if they make it.

My son taking a nap after he finished digging. 
The hole is finally finished
My oldest daughter after we installed the padding.
As the water flowed we arranged the rocks.
Filling it up.
View from 2nd floor of house.

The water is in now. WOW. We have to add the filter and pump and
add a few more rocks around the pond to tied us over till the spring.
Can't believe we filled it.

Pictures From
August 22, 1999
August 29, 1999
September 3, 1999
September 11, 1999
September 26, 1999
October 3, 1999
February 15, 2000
March 25, 2000
May 17, 2000
July 1, 2000
4th of July Special
October 8, 2000