Mike's Gold Fish Pond

August 29, 1999

Here are the pictures from the 29th of August.  We got the hole just about done and the rear retaining wall started.  We have to finish the retaining wall before we get any serious rain.  Oh you forgot what rain was. Well here in the Northeast we haven't had much so we are on water restrictions.  Still haven't figured out how to fill it but I'm sure the Governor will realize that all those floods we had last weekend  was from rain. Than I'll fill it.

View from back of Pond.
View from back of Pond.
View from right side of Pond.
My son hard at work.
Still digging.
Next stop China.

Now we have the hole and the liner is in the garage.  Next step is to get some padding for behind the liner.  Keeps those roots, stones, and shale from tearing the liner.  But we still are working on the retaining wall. Slowly but surely.

Pictures From
August 22, 1999
August 29, 1999
September 3, 1999
September 11, 1999
September 26, 1999
October 3, 1999
February 15, 2000
March 25, 2000
May 17, 2000
July 1, 2000
4th of July Special
October 8, 2000