Happy July  4
from Mike's Pond

*** America the Beautiful ***
*** Born in the USA ***
*** Coming to America ***

Click on picture for full size.
Click on picture for full size.
Even the water fall
has flags today!
Click on picture for full size.
One water lilly is open & 
3 are almost there. 
Click on picture for full size.
Click on picture for full size
Independence Day, the 4th of July, is a very special day. I hope you
all raise your flags high andwatch them flap freely in the wind.
Freelyis the key word.


Pictures From
August 22, 1999
August 29, 1999
September 3, 1999
September 11, 1999
September 26, 1999
October 3, 1999
February 15, 2000
March 25, 2000
May 17, 2000
July 1, 2000
4th of July Special
October 8, 2000